Sichuan Spicy. Instant Chicken Breast
Sichuan Spicy. Instant Chicken Breast
Sichuan spicy instant chicken breast, seasoned with Sichuan's unique spicy, strong taste, full of spiciness, with a rich flavor that makes people unforgettable after eating.
Convenient and quick, suitable for fitness enthusiasts, busy modern office workers and small families.
Order now, delivery to your door
100g per pack
🐌♨️Sous vide cooking♨️🐌
🚛Free shipping on orders over $200🚛
🇹🇭High Quality Hormone Free Thai Chicken Breast🇹🇭
🚫💉No hormones, no antibiotics💊🚫
❄️🚚Frozen Delivery🚚❄️
🇭🇰香港製造 Made in HK🇭🇰
[Thawing Method]
Place it in the refrigerator at 0-4 degrees Celsius overnight, or place it in a container soak it in running water for 10-15 minutes.
[Chill eating Method]
Once thawed, open the packaging and it's ready to eat.
[Reheat eating Method]
1)After thawing, cut open a corner of the packing and microwave on medium heat for 30-40 seconds.
2)Bring water to a boil, turn off the heat, and place the thawed chicken breast, still in its packaging, in the water for 30 seconds.
It is Not recommended to overheat as it can affect the texture of the chicken breast.
[Storage Method]
Store it in freezer at -18 degrees Celsius can store up to three months.
但四川辣味 令我覺得食雞胸一啲都唔慘
會唔會再出啲辣既新味? 同埋可唔可以加辣?
感謝 ABC, 多謝你花時間留咗呢個意見俾我哋!由於四川麻辣味本身具有強烈的風味和麻辣特性,因此在調配即食雞胸的時候,我們參照了這種味道的淡化版本,以便讓更多人能夠接受和享受這種風味。但每個人的口味偏好不同,如果您覺得味道偏鹹,我們會將您的反饋納入考慮,努力改進產品,以滿足更多顧客的需求。非常感謝您的寶貴意見。我哋有其他清淡啲嘅味道都一樣咁好味☺️☺️。你嘅支持對我哋好重要。歡迎你隨時提供更多意見,幫助我哋成長!期待你再次訂購!☺️☺️ 多謝支持☺️